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Super Ninja Pocket Bike Manual

Pocket Bike Usage and Technical Support at MiniPocketRocketsPocket Bikes.Dirt Bikes.Mini ATVs.MiniQuads.Bike Parts.Pocket Bike Info.Information.QUICK-STARTGUIDE for POCKET BIKESMUSTREAD BEFORE OPERATING YOUR NEW POCKET BIKE or MINI QUAD.Whattype of gas should I use?For best performance,use high octane gas from a local gas station. 91 - 93 octanepremium unleaded fuel is recommended. You may also use 87octane gas as well. Do not use any type of diesel fuel.This vehicle has a powerful 4-strokeEngine, so NO mixing of gasand oil. Just add pure gasoline into the gas tank. Thereis a separate oil pan with dipstick located on the front ofthe engine. Like an automobile, please periodicallycheck the oil level.

SAE 10w40 is used when it comestime for an oil change (approximately every 1000 miles orwhen dirty). Howdo I properly start the bike with the Pull Starter?Below is the properprocedure to start your pocket bike via the Pull Start: If this is the 1st time you are starting the vehicle,locate the small clear bulb pump under the carburetor andsqueeze the bubble until it fills up with gasoline. Thiswill assist in starting for the 1st time. Goto Step 1 1. Stand the bike upright; you should bestraddling the bike. The pull start cord is on your rightside.2.

Put the choke lever in the open position( the white lever in the UP position ).3. Pull the start cord out slowlyuntil it reaches its maximum length and then let it retractslowly. Repeat this procedure 2 times.4. On the 3rd attempt, pull the cord outswiftly with one strong pull.( pull the cord straight back; donot pull at an angle, as pulling it at an angle may damagethe cord ).5. Repeat steps3 and 4 until the bike starts.6.

After the bike starts, let it warm upfor 1 minute. Make sure the white choke lever is in the openposition ( white lever UP ).7.

The bike is now ready to ride. In certainweather conditions, you may put the choke lever in the middleor lower position to help make it easier to start.

Pocket Ninja Online


Starting may require several tries when the bike isstill new. After break-in, the bike will start up with onlyone or two pull procedures. It may help to give the bike a little twist of thethrottle on the 3rd quick pull if the bike is hard to start.

In colder climates, pre-heating the motor with ahair dryermakes it much easier to start the engine. Howdo I check and adjust the chain tension?For all pocket bikes and mini dirt bikes, proper chain tensionis CRUCIAL.This is especially true for bikes with a suspensionsystem such as the GP RS-R,RX1 Traxxisand the KTX RadicalMini Dirt Bike.Before operating:1. Have the rider sit on the bike with hisor her full weight on the vehicle.2. With your thumb and index finger, grabthe chain at its midway point between the two gear sprockets.3. The chain must have play / wiggle roomof 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch.If the chain moves more or less than the above parameters( 0.5 - 0.75 inches ), you will need to adjust the chain tensionprior to riding. Failure to do so may result in the chainbreaking or falling off.How to adjust Chain Tension:1. Locate the two large axle nuts on eitherside the rear wheel axle.2.

With two wrenches or socket drives, loosenthe axle nuts approximately two to three full turns.3. Locate the two smaller nuts onthe eyelets (silver color) that are connected to the axletowards the rear of the frame.4.

Either loosen or tighten the eyelet guidesto achieve desired chain tension ( 0.5 - 0.75 inches of play)( Turn small eyeletnuts counter-clockwise to loosen chain. Clockwiseto tighten chain )( Rotate the same amount on both eyeletnuts.

If you turn the left side 3 turns, turn the rightside the same turns )5. Now move the rear wheel in the directionyou need to by either pulling the wheel rearwards or pushingit forward.( Move rear wheel forward toloosen chain tension; Move rear wheel rearwards to tightenchain tension )6. Check for proper chain tension beforetightening up the Large axle nuts.7. After desired chain tension has been achieved,tighten both Large axle nuts in the opposite way of STEP 2.( The smaller eyeletnuts do NOT need to be re-tightened. They only works as guides.The nuts are designed not to come loose )8. Your bike is now ready to ride! Howdo I adjust the Speed Governor on my Pocket Bike?There are two ways to limit the top speed of our engines.This limiter is used for beginner riders or for those whoare not yet comfortable going maximum speeds.The first way is to move the choke lever on the carburetorto a position that is anywhere between fully opened and fullyclosed.

The choke lever can be accessed via hand without theuse of any tools on the right side of the vehicle. Normally,for full-on unregulated top speed, the choke lever is fullyopened (in the down position). However, this lever can easilybe moved up anywhere you feel comfortable. The engine willthen be receiving less air, and the vehicle will consequentlyrun at the pace you set it at.

To compensate for less air,you may turn the petcock fuel valve ( the white valve lever) at about a 45 degree angle to allow a slower flow of gasto match the lower air intake volume so your motor will notrun rich ( if you see excessive white smoke from the exhaustpipe ).The second way will be to adjust the actual throttle travel.The concept is similar to limiting the gas pedal travel onan automobile. The less 'gas' you are able to givethe car, the lower its top speed. To do this, you can adjustthe throttle cable slack via the tensioner on the throttlegrip box. Simply slip off the rubber dust boot / sleeve andloosen the tension ring by hand (no tools necessary) and turnclockwise until you get your desired speed.Then tighten the tension ring and you are ready to go. Depending on the type of carburetor installed on your vehicle,there may be another similar adjustment knob on the carburetor,also covered by a rubber boot. You can locate this knob bytracing where the throttle cable enters into the carburetor.Engine willnot stay on. How do I adjust the idle?Bikewants to take off when idling.

How do I adjust the idle?Tracethe throttle cable, from the throttle grip on the handlebars,all the way down to where the cable attaches to the carburetor.Directly on the opposite side of the bracket where thethrottle cable is attached, you will find a small silver screw.With a small flat head or Phillips screwdriver, rotate thescrew counter-clockwise to decreasethe idle and clockwise to increasethe idle. Rotate no more than 2 full turns at a timeto adjust properly. Repeat this process until the idleis satisfactory.If you are experiencing bogging only when accelerating orif the engine wants to cut out when you twist the throttlehard, there may be a crimp in the fuel line. The fuelline is the rubber hose that connects from the bottom of themetal gas tank, through a clear-white fuel filter and intothe top of your carburetor. Check this line to makesure it is not bent or crimped. Sometimes, the metalnipple extending down from the metal gas tank where the rubberhose inserts into may be a little long, causing a 90 degreebend in the fuel line. If this is the case and yourengine is bogging when accelerating, unplug the fuel linegoing into the gas tank and saw off 1/4 to 1/2 inch of themetal nipple and reinsert the fuel hose.

This shouldgive the proper clearance so that the fuel line runs to yourcarburetor smoothly. Ibroke a part on my bike. How can I fix it?Howto go about repairing your bike depends on which part is broken.The majority of parts on these bikes can be repaired and replacedby aregular do-it-yourself person. No special tools are needed.If a part happens to break or needs replacing from wear andtear (such as brake pads and tires), please check the section on our web site, email us directly ator call us Toll-Free at 1-877-MPR-BIKES(1-877-677-2453).We offer replacement parts at 20 - 30% discounts if you purchasedyour bike from us.Isthe Fuel Filter necessary? How do I replace it?Most of our bikes include an inline fuel filter installedon the rubber hose that leads from the fuel tank to the motor.It is there to add an extra layer of protection for the motorin case debris is introduced into the bike's fuel tank. If youare careful in keeping contaminants out of your fuel tank, youmay bypass the fuel filter by purchasing a similar rubber hoseat your local auto parts store and cutting it to the lengthneeded to reach the fuel tank and the motor and discarding theold unit.If you would prefer to use the fuel filter and need to replaceit, you may purchase one on our page. Gasis leaking from the overflow tube.

How do I stop it?This is a common adjustment and it is due to the carburetorfloat getting stuck. This can happen if the bike is laid onits side or the vehicle sustained an impact. The tube is doingwhat it was designed to do in this type of situation ( seepicture below of overflow tube ). To loosen the float insidethe carburetor, follow these simple steps:1. With the bike standing upright, lift therear portion of the bike 18'to 24' off the ground.2. Drop the rear of the bike from that levelonto its rear tire. Do this forcefully, as it will not damagethe bike.3.

Repeat this procedure until the floatcomes unstuck. You will know when gas stops flowing out ofthe overflow tube.

You are essentially bouncing the rear of the bike forcefully,several times, to dislodge the float inside the carburetor.Remember, you are always welcome to call us Toll-Free (1-877-677-2453)for assistance to these or any other questions.© COPYRIGHTED1999 - 2020 MINI POCKET ROCKETS / MINIPOCKETROCKETS 5940 OAK AVE #130 TEMPLE CITY CA 91780 ALLRIGHTS RESERVED.