Contents AppearanceRagna is modeled after the traditional Japanese manga and anime hero. He is a young adult with white spiky hair and heterochromia: his left eye being green and his right being red, a side effect from assimilating the Blue Grimoire into his body.
His clothing consists of a hybrid of modern, futuristic and old features. He wears a vibrant red sleeved jacket with two long thin tails hanging from the back. Under it is a black shirt with three red belts and also several belts covering his right arm. He wears a pair of black gloves with a red shell on the backs of the hands. His right arm is a black mechanical prosthetic made of the Blue Grimoire, after having lost his original arm when he was younger. The shell opens up to reveal the grimoire whenever he utilizes it. He wears a black and steel-toed red boots.
He also has a small black birthmark on the center of his chest. Ragna has a bright green stud earring on his left ear, not on the lobe of the ear but further up.When he was in his mid-teens, he had blond hair and green eyes. Because of the trauma he experienced, his hair turned white. This section is based on short story “Memory of Blue” of.Trekking through the in the dead of night, Ragna noted how dull and unremarkable the city was until the looming figure of the Control Organization headquarters stood overhead.
Coming close to the building, he was met with several officers issuing warnings for him to turn back; Ragna came too close and a trap designed for feral beasts was raised, however, he easily dispelled it. Ragna was met with dozens of armed Imperial Guards, but they were easily defeated as he blasted them and the gate down.Leisurely walking down the interior of the branch, Ragna was eventually met with an army of 300 plus armed officers, awaiting him on the staircase connected to the central hall. He launched himself recklessly into the crowd, effortlessly massacring each and every soldier without much of a struggle from the opposition.
Blazblue Ragna Death
Afterwards, Ragna descended into the area that contained the and effortlessly destroyed it. The weather control in the city was destroyed alongside the Gate.Becoming slightly lost in the labyrinth that was the lower levels of the City, Ragna encountered Rachel, who teleported in front of him and gestured towards the northwest, whispering that he should go to the. Rachel then abruptly left as Ragna managed to find his way out of the City. Shortly afterwards, Ragna earned his moniker – the “Grim Reaper”. This section is based on true ending, “Ragna the Bloodedge”, of.Ragna’s confrontation with Jin On the date 2199/12/31 AD, New Year’s Eve, Ragna traveled to the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi to destroy the Control Organization base located there. Along the way, he has a brief confrontation with his younger brother, Jin, inside the headquarters.
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After the fight he makes his way down to an elevator shaft that leads him straight down to the. There, he meets of the Six Heroes and a lengthy battle ensues. As Ragna is about to lose, he activates his Blue Grimoire to tap into the power of the Blue and is able to defeat Hakumen.